Thursday, May 6, 2010

Life will never be the same!

Life will never be the same now that dexter has figured out how GREAT it is to get around on his own! He is ALWAYS on the go! When ever we leave him in a room for a minute, he ends up someplace completely different!
Plus he is sitting up, not to solidly yet. My parents got him a leap frog activity table that starts out on the ground while they sit and then turns into a table to stand by, he loves it and will sit and play, then topple over. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa. He is so cute!
As far as solid go so far, dex likes everything, even nasty peas! but he loves carrots.

Man. people dont lie when they say they grow up so fast!

So big!
So every toy he has was on the floor, we were using them as road blocks, dont worry he just rolled over them to get all the way over there!

And let the bumps and bruises start, he hit his head on the coach and was not so happy!

He was in the middle of waving his hands, he loves this thing.

Plus we love to swing.

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