Friday, November 19, 2010


The High Risk Doc was very interesting! We went in for a 45 min, very detailed ultra sound. I dont know why they dont do this kind of ultra sound anyway, we could see so much more and everything so clearly. So things we learned about his size:
- He is weighing in at 4 pounds.
-He is measuring 2 weeks early
-His head is measuring 4 weeks early (yowzer!)
And dont worry we still have 10 weeks left!!! It is always a good sign when the doc says, "his head is BIG." and then a few min later, " Wait, how far along do you think you are?" At least we know why I am HUGE now.
Things we learned about his placenta:
- They were not able to see the bilobed placenta because of his size and gestational age, but again they are not worried. But we still dont know what caused it. Oh well.
-They did find a abnormality in his placenta, the name is complicated but basically it is a pool of blood vessels that usually causes a small birth weight issue but the doc just kind of laughed and said "Well, that is not a problem." But they are not worried about that either. They said that we may want to send it to be analyzed after birth. We will see. But he wants to see me in 4 weeks and then start stress testing every week after that. (starting at 34 weeks)
So after all of this, we have learned: Everything is looking healthy and he is going to be big! Thank goodness we need to have a C section.

Texas was a blast and my next post will be about that!

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