They totally had a protocol: got on the speaker announced a code, blocked the entrances and exits (extra freak is out), announced a description, and then made me stand there at the front while all the staff looked. Ok so now I was freaking out a little more bc then my mind went to every tv show where someone was kidnapped. And it had maybe been 3 min since he was gone. So after like 30 seconds, and everyone in the stores attention, they announced that they had found him. Quade came walking out, smiling and pushing a cart of baby dolls. Oh my gosh!everyone just laughed and went back to their business. I knew he was there, he just has never been out of my sight for that long in public. A couple moms came up to me and were all "don't worry I loose mine all the time"
Longest 5 min of my life. And then I thought of all the times I let them out of my sight for like 5 seconds. Doesn't seem like very long, but it is long enough...
Oh man these boys keep us on our toes, especially our little quade! (Who isn't so little anymore!)
So scary!! I can totally relate because when I was 11 I was playing hide and seek with my 3 yr old sister in a store in the mall. She was hiding under the clothes until she decided she could find a much better hiding place outside of the store! They did the same protocol with the whole mall and I was bawling and freaking out until they found her. It's the worst!
Meg gets lost ALL THE TIME. It is terrifying! So glad you found your cute little guy.
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